Black Pearl, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Black Pearl, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest Guides 4 Gamers Game Maps & Guides for Gamers.
  • Guides for Gamers
  • Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Maps & Walkthrough
  • Quests
  • Black Pearl
  • Suggested level: 13

    Group: Secondary Quests

    Location: Multiple Locations

    To start this quest, talk to Nidas, who you will find near the Golden Sturgeon inn in Novigrad. He'll ask you to help him acquire the black pearl. You'll have to visit the Skellige Islands for that.

    When men sense death's approach, they try to finish all manner of unresolved business. Some write wills, others pay off debts and still others make up with estranged relatives.

    Nidas, a battle-hardened veteran from Novigrad, wanted to tie off a rather atypical loose end: acquiring the black pearl he had once promised his beloved wife. As he had reached an advanced age, he would not be able to journey to the black pearl beds of Skellige by himself - so he hired the witcher to assist him.

    Related points of interest

    Icon of Nidas Nidas Velen / Novigrad

    Quest stages of Black Pearl

    1. Meet Nidas near the collapsed bridge to the north of Arinbjorn.

    Nidas will be waiting for you at the broken bridge located to the north of Arinbjorn.

    Meet Nidas near the collapsed bridge to the north of Arinbjorn.

    2. Follow Nidas to the pearl bed. / Find a black pearl using your Witcher Senses.

    You'll talk for a while and then you'll go to the water. Your task will be to dive and find the pearl and Nidas will wait for you on the shore.

    Follow Nidas to the pearl bed. / Find a black pearl using your Witcher Senses.

    Swim to the spot marked on the map, kill two sirens (13) that swim nearby and find the shell in which you will find the black pearl.

    Follow Nidas to the pearl bed. / Find a black pearl using your Witcher Senses.

    3. Return to Nidas. / Kill the drowners.

    Swim to the shore. When you get closer, Nidas will be attacked by three drowners (12). Get ashore and help him kill them before they kill him, otherwise the quest will fail. When you save him, Nidas will tell you that he forgot to take his purse with him, but he will promise to pay you back in Novigrad.

    Return to Nidas. / Kill the drowners.

    4. Meet Nidas in the Golden Sturgeon to collect your reward.

    Go back to the Golden Sturgeon inn to meet Nidas again. He will tell you a sad story about his wife's illness and pay you 10 crowns. Then the quest will be over.

    Meet Nidas in the Golden Sturgeon to collect your reward.

    Geralt extracted a black pearl from a Skellige oyster with the skill of an experienced pearl diver, thus helping Nidas fulfill his promise. Sadly, it turned out his wife was unable to appreciate this lovely gesture - old age had deprived her of a sound mind and muddled her memories. Even the fulfillment of a promise that had forged the foundation of their relationship failed to put a smile on her lips.

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